The leaves are turning, the air, at times, has a simple chill to it, and pumpkins are beginning to appear! School is in full swing, my Friday nights are spent watching high school football games, Saturdays are filled with soccer and Texas Tech football, and Sunday afternoons are for the Cowboys (poor guys). You know, I have really never given FALL too much of a thought. It always occurred and I new that Thanksgiving and Christmas weren't too far behind. Today I found myself reflecting upon FALL.....I do believe, it has become my favorite time of the year!
Fall...Autumn.....whatever term you choose to use - it is a time of festivity! Every Friday night, sitting in those stands,surrounded by the fans and cheerleaders, is a very festive time! Looking forward to the half-time show and seeing my young man be a part of an amazing band while they dazzle their way through the show! Cheering my daughter on as she scores goals like she never has before in soccer is something I could do all day! Yelling at the television with my armchair coach of a husband while the Texas Tech Red Raiders show their stuff is something I could never replace! I am giddy just thinking about going to a pumpkin patch with my family! And who doesn't love caramel apples and pumpkin bread (well, pumpkin anything!).
So why all this hype about Fall? Well, honestly speaking. I don't know. It's just a time of the year that I have a "good" feeling. I'm busy but not stressed about life (work, maybe but not life)! The beauty around me is AMAZING and the festival of colors is heaven sent! So, for what it's worth..I do believe....this is the most wonderful time of the year! :)
"Just before the death of flowers, and before they are buried in snow, there comes a festival season when nature is all aglow." Author Unknown
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Posted by Gayla at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Change - Not anything I ever look forward to. To be frank about it...I despise change. But what is that saying? Change develops character? I guess God decided this year that I needed character! I changed grade levels, subjects, principal, assistant principal, Jonathon started High School, and I pulled Clarissa out of the school where she had been since Kindergarten to take her with me to my school. I guess you could say, I am developing CHARACTER!
As hard as change is, I must say that I can now say it has been good! I am back in 5th grade where I have taught every year of my teaching career except one with a group of students that I adore! I love my team more than they realize! I am so blessed to work with two women who I consider to be two of my dearest friends! I have moved from being an English/Reading teacher to teaching Math. Yes, you heard me MATH!!!!! Can you believe it?? What is shocking is....I LOVE IT!!!! It is always hard getting a new boss because you never know what they are going to think of you or expect. Well, I must say I do believe we hit the jackpot with our new Principal and Assistant Principal. I have thoroughly enjoyed working under them so far! They are both Godly women and make coming to work a blessing!
Then there are my children! Jonathon started high school this year! He stays so very busy! As excited as I am for what God has in store for him, this time in our lives has brought about even more change! Jonathon and I have always been very close and with his busy schedule and his social calendar...I miss him. I never thought I'd say that about someone who lives in my own home but I do..I miss him. I love going to see him march at the games and practice at gym but our time together is so limited.
Clarissa, as many know, has had a very difficult time in school. Yes she had some academic struggles but her bigger troubles came socially. She has been bullied, left out, and basically emotionally beat down. On August 1 this year she asked her Dad and I to not send her back to her school. As a matter of fact, she begged us! After much prayer, we decided that I would take her to my school. For those that don't know, this meant she would be leaving one of the "most highly respected" schools in our town and going to probably the "poorest and LEAST respected" schools! This is what she wanted. I would be one of her teachers which was going to be a new journey for both of us. Well, there are no words to tell you how different she is! She LOVES school, she has many friends, her grades are good, she's involved in an after school club for girls and made the honor choir. I LOVE having her there with me and our relationship and changed drastically. She's always been a momma's girl but to say we have grown closer would be an understatement! Our home is a different place because she doesn't come home crying every day and doesn't fight us to go to school. Thank GOD for this change! is just part of life. As I looked back over my older posts, change is what stuck out to me. My children have changed physically (and so have I- good and bad), situations have changed, struggles have changed, thoughts have changed. However, through all of it....I have been blessed!
Till next time.....
Posted by Gayla at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I'm Trying!!
I love reading blogs and I loved blogging.....HOWEVER, somehow, I haven't been on my blog in almost 2 years. I'm trying to get this 'ole thing fired up again!! We'll see what comes of it!
Posted by Gayla at 2:56 PM 0 comments