I am currently taking a blogging vacation. I have many projects going on and will share about them all when I return! We are doing some redecorating here at the house and preparing for a HUGE garage sale!!! I do have one quick thing to share which I will elaborate on more later! Two weeks ago we were at the United States Tumbling & Trampoline competition. I am so proud of Jonathon!!! He won the National Championsip in tumbling!!!! I'll have pictures to share soon! Thanks to all for being patient during my vacation. I'm loving being a wife, mom, friend, sister, and daughter right now!!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Rise and....RUN!!!!!
"Rise and Shine and give God the glory, glory"...remember that little tune? Well, this morning at my house it wasn't quite rise and shine it was rise and run!!
We are in the middle of massive clean - out, pull-up carpet projects in both of the kid's rooms so in the meantime, they are camping in the living room (which they love and which also happens to be right next to our bedroom). Last night I stayed up late, doing different things with the understanding that....ahhhh, Saturday morning.....I can sleep late! WRONG!!! At 6:00 a.m. I was awakened by hysterical crying coming from my living room. I don't remember quite how I got there...I remember my feet initially touching the ground to steady me as I flew out of the bed but between there and the couch....I remember nothing! I ran to the living room, swooped up my daughter who was standing beside the couch crying, and collapsed with her in my lap! With heart pounding I asked if she had had a bad dream and sure enough she had. So we spent some time talking through it, she went back to bed and so did the guys. With everyone asleep now.....guess who is wide awake?????
I guees this is a great time to go for me to starty laundry and go for my walk! Afterall, I've already had my run!
Posted by Gayla at 8:04 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Other Mothers
Hello everyone! Today's Coffee post is late and long....I hope you can stay around for it!
I love being a Mom. It is one of the hardest jobs (if not THE hardest) around but I love it. Even on the ugly days when I don't know what I'm doing, I love it! Then there is Mother's Day. I hae a different approach to Mother's Day than some. Instead of having the "day off", I like to spend the day with my kids. We go to church, go out for a picnic, and if the weather is pretty, we take them to the pool for swimming. I love to just "watch" them and I love to "be" with them. I am so thankful to God for my children and for the opportunity to be a "Mom".
For many of you, you know our story but not all of you know "the rest of the story". Before Sal and I got married, I knew that I would not be able to have a child (and he married me anyway...what a guy!). On Father's Day 1996, I prayed desperately to God to allow us to have a child. I knew that Sal would make an awesome Dad and I remember the words I spoke to God on that morning just as if I had spoken them five minutes ago..."Dear God, loving Father of all, you know the desires of my heart, and I beg of you to allow us somehow to have a child. I don't want Sal to go through another Father's Day fatherless. Through some miraculous healing of my body, adoption, or whatever path you choose, Lord I beg of you....please hear my prayers."
What a path we went on beginning that very day! We started an adoption process and were matched with a birth mom and in October of that very year, received the call that the baby had been born and we were quickly on our way to San Antonio. After 4 long days there, we learned that the birth mom had changed her mind and we were devastated. I can't tell you, unless you've ever walked in those shoes, how painful and how deep that hurt was. My sister flew to San Antonio to drive us home and Sal's brothers and sisters came to our home and took down the nursery. Today, I still get teary eyed thinking about how hurt, how sad, and how empty we were. We returned home on a Wednesday night and a very dear friend of ours came to take us to church. I also remember the pastor's prayer over us that evening..."God heal the pain, fill the void, and Lord we believe that you will fulfill the desires of their hearts according to your will".
We set out to heal, each in our own way, and in March of that year were approached by a 16 year old girl who we knew (I'll leave out the details of that for now). After much consideration, we committed to her to adopt her baby. I took her to every doctor's appointment and was in the delivery room with her when Jonathon was born. To add to this blessing, we took him home the Saturday of Father's Day weekend, 1997. God is good.
In May 1999, Jonathon asked us for a baby sister. We told him that we had to pray and if it was God's will, then we would have one. After two years of him praying daily for a sister, even for her birth mom, Clarissa Faith was born into our lives. Our experience with her was much different. We went through a wonderful agency in Abilene, we only knew about her for a week prior to her birth, and wasn't there when she was born (we were driving very fast to get there though!) I did have a very different experience though with her birth mom. She was 17, had had a very difficult life, and had no relationship with her Mom. She asked if I would stay with her in the hospital the night that Clarissa was born. So, over the next two days and nights, I took care of Clarissa's birth mom. The morning that she discharged, she asked the nursery to bring Clarissa to the room. She held her, she loved her, she kissed her, we took pictures, she kissed her some more, and then she walked over to me, placed Clarissa in my arms, hugged me and whispered in my ear "thank you for loving my baby and thank you for taking care of me". She then sobbed the deepest sob I have ever heard and walked out the door.
The journey to have our children was difficult. I've been told before that I got the easy way out because I didn't have to go through childbirth. Well, not quite. I had emotional childbirth three times, one that ended in death for us but two that are alive and well in our lives today. I could not be celebrating Mother's Day this weekend without some very special young ladies who gave me the greatest gift of all, my children. I have not seen or heard from either birth mom since the kids were born. That doesn't mean I don't think of them often. I get so many questions about adoption and I know that some people don't understand it, but for me, I'm so thankful that I couldn't have biological children because then I wouldn't have MY children. These are the children God ordained for Sal and I and they are 110% mine. However, that doesn't make me any less aware that I could not be celebrating this weekend, had it not been for "the OTHER Mother's" that loved them so much to give them the life they could not.
God is good. I will be forever grateful for my children but also for the journey He took me on to get them. I mentioned the adoption that fell through because I believe God allowed us to go through that situation so that we could see the power of His almighty hand. God is faithful, in HIS time.
This weekend as you celebrate Mother's Day, please say a prayer for all of those ladies (young and old) who have loved their babies enough, to give them them life and to allow other Moms to teach them to live that life.
"Faithful Father in heaven, I pray today for birth moms everywhere. I am thankful for the two ladies that allowed me to be a Mom to my beautiful children. As I rejoice and am filled with love beyond measure this Mother's Day, I would pray that they too be filled with YOUR love and YOUR peace. Bless them dear Lord and protect them from those that judge."
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Posted by Gayla at 1:05 PM 7 comments
Labels: adoption, Mother's Day, prayer
Friday, May 1, 2009
Happy Days!
Good afternoon everyone! I don't have long to talk today. My family and I are headed out of town to celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday!!!! It is so hard for me to believe! God has richly blessed me with my parents and the fact that I still have both of them to share this earthly life with!
I am so VERY proud to report to you that Jonathon won SECOND place in Trampoline at the Regional USGA (United States Gymnastics Association) This is a SEVEN state region!! I am so very proud of him. He also placed 6th overall in tumbling!
Clarissa is trucking along with all of her "TEETH" stuff. She is such a trooper! She will be getting her bottom expander on Wednesday. Please pray for her!!!
I hope you have a great weekend and I'll post birthday pictures of Daddy early next week!
Posted by Gayla at 6:49 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Date Night
I'm late getting around to my Company Girl Coffee (Tea in my world) but I have a really good reason. I have been on a very long date! But....not with my husband! I know...rumors will fly but I think he will understand. I have been with the other man in my life, my 11 (almost 12) year old son since 4:30 this afternoon........ALONE!!! No sister, No Dad, No TV........us, just us!
Jonathon and I haven't been on a date is FOREVER! You know at this age, I've sorta become someone who he LOVES being around at home but has to keep the distance in public! (Of which I see as a great opportunity to give big hugs!) This weekend is his Regional gymnastics meet. Fortunately, our city is hosting the meet this year so it's nice being at home. We had to go tonight to pick up his athletes pass and watched one of the high school stars on our team. Jonathon and I had a blast "people watching". It's funny to me that we could look at each other and know we had the same thoughts! He is my son! After we left the meet, we decided to have dinner together. Oh wow! We told jokes, laughed, talked about some school issues, and just life in general. I love the fact that he still talks to me and I could have listened to him for hours!!! After dinner, we went on another mission. Jonathon has been given $5 by our church to use to make a difference in someone's life. God immediately placed on Jonathon's heart to do something for the homeless. He had decided that he would buy a Bible and a meal for someone. (yeah, I don't think he does alot of shopping!) I told him he wouldn't have enough money for both but that I would buy a Bible and he could by a burger. So, after dinner, he wanted to know where the homeless "stayed" . So we were on a mission to look for them. Understanding that that there are usually several homeless persons hanging around the library downtown, we went that direction. OOPS!!! I forgot there were one-way streets downtown and we found ourselves headed in the WRONG direction! I pulled a U-turn in the middle of the road and do believe I thoroughly embarrassed him! Sure enough though, we did see plenty of homeless people and Jonathon's heart was truly touched. So, now he has decided that $5 isn't enough and wants to pitch in some of his money to buy food for several. Again, he conversation went very deep and we talked about how awful it would be to have no one and no where to go. Jonathon, for some reason, has such a heart for these people and I am so honored to be his Mom. So many people are judgemental and have opinions of the homeless but not him, he simply wants to help them.
We came on home and the night is about to end but it will be one of those evenings that I hold dear to my heart!
Clarissa and Sal made a night of it too! I haven't gotten too many details about their date night except that Clarissa was very excited to have her Daddy all to herself!
This weekend is about to get busy but I'm so thankful that I got to spend some time with the other man in my life! I hope that you'll take time to do something special with someone you love very dearly. The evening cost me less than $20, but I GAINED so much from it! Have a great weekend!
Posted by Gayla at 12:23 AM 4 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
OH my goodness!! You don't know what you've got until it's gone! My laptop crashed last week and I a part of me crashed with it! No checking email, no blogging (no Company Girl coffee), no facebook, no ordering online, no lot's of things! I didn't realize how connected I was until I was DISCONNECTED! I found myself in the evenings wondering how to fill my time. Don't get me wrong, I found clothes to sort, tables to clean, and dishes to wash but I couldn't communicate. We set out Friday to look for computers and found our new addition last evening. "Huey" officially joined our family today at 2:30 and thanks to him and I reconnected to the "virtual" world! Wow! I've missed you guys!
Clarissa got her top pallet expander put in on Thursday. We are supposed to turn it with a key daily. Well, Friday evening we tried and tried and could not get it to turn. SO, Sal is going to have to take her to the orthodontist Monday so they can turn it for us. I told him that I'd rather go there every day and have them do it and not have to go through that here every day! Bless her heart! She's had the best attitude during this. It has really messed with her speech (they say it'll return to normal in a week or so) so she's having to repeat many things to us. Eating has been a trick! We have found that fajitas and chicken nuggets like to get stuck in between the roof of her mouth and the expander!!! Not fun! She will wear this for a year so I'm sure we'll find many other things that like to get stuck too!
Jonathon has been working hard for his Regional gymanstics competition next weekend. I'm going to try real hard to get some good pictures. He has been asked to join his school's Concert Band for a competition. He's so excited! I didn't know whether he would like band and he has fallen in love with it! This will be his first out of town school trip! :)
Today would have been my father-in-laws birthday. Those "firsts" are always hard. Sal has spent alot of time with his family this weekend. All of the kids accompanied my mother-in-law to church this morning. I know as a Mom, she had to have felt very loved!
The kids and I went on to our church and what a blessing. During one of the Praise/Worship songs, several people came to the front with signs showing what God had delivered them from and then on the back stating what he had blessed them with. Some of the ones that touched me (yes the tears rolled) were, a couple (friends of ours) with their two girls holding a sign that said "Orphaned" and then on the back "Adopted." Well, those that know our story can only guess what the tears were like! Others that really touched me were "Raped" and on the back "Rescued", "Cancer"/"Cured", "Abandoned"/"Found" and a sign held by an amazing woman who is visually impaired "Blind" and on the back "Will See". I wanted to jump and yell! God is amazing and I could think of many signs that I, too, could have made. I left today feeling so blessed.
And finally.....this weeks update......17 pounds!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week! I know I will, getting REconnected!
Posted by Gayla at 4:54 PM 5 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hmmmmmm.....Good Question
Out of the mouths of babes (or sixth graders)......Today after a massive Easter egg hunt at my mother-in-laws house and after a beautiful Easter service at church:
"Can someone tell me how somebody raising from the dead turned into Easter eggs????"
Good question my dear son!
Posted by Gayla at 12:47 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday is Good News!
Hello everyone! As I look out the window this morning it appears that it is a beautiful start to this Good Friday. The nasty dust seems to have settled (in my house I'm sure) and the trees are barely moving this morning. I sure hope the wind stays away for a while! But, who am I kidding? This is West Texas!
We are out of school today and I sure am glad! I thought the kids would sleep in this morning but wouldn't you know....they were both in bed with me at 7:50 a.m.!!! Oh well, I love those times! I wanted to spend the morning cleaning house but it looks like I might be running Jonathon to the doctor. I think the dust has gotten the best of him. He is supposed to attend a friend's birthday party this afternoon so Clarissa has decided that we need to have a "girls outing". Hmmmm.....I'm not seeing alot of house cleaning occurring today!
I have to share my good news! I have a new UPDATE.......12.2 pounds!!! Double-digits!!!! Yeah, I know to some this is nothing but to big chic....this is alot! That's 12 pounds gone and done with!!!! Now on to the next goal......getting into the TWENTIES!! It's been along time since I was in the TWENTIES! :)
I also have a "kid's say the funniest things"! Last night, we were discussing chores with the kids and how they were going to have to increase their chores and take more of an active role around the house. The word allowance was brought up and I made the comment that we ALLOWED them to live here, we ALLOWED them to eat the food we bought, we ALLOWED them to play with the toys we buy and so forth. Immediately, Clarissa (age 8) stated: "Hold on, let me just get this straight! If we don't do our chores......you still have to let me live here don't you???" I wanted to laugh out loud but assured her that I wouldn't kick her to the street quite so quick!
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend. Isn't it amazing what this weekend stands for. It makes me shudder to think that my Jesus loved me so much that he took what he did on that cross for me!!! I also marvel in knowing that He didn't stay in that grave either!! Take time to enjoy your family this weekend but I hope you'll also take time in praising our Lord!
Until next time!!!!
Posted by Gayla at 10:04 AM 10 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
UPDATE - Day 14
I saw this cartoon and had to laugh!!!
Total pounds lost - 8.2
Keep praying and thanks for your support!
Posted by Gayla at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Week Around Our House - Anybody need a cup of coffee??
Posted by Gayla at 10:40 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Today when I returned home from school ( a little after 6:00 p.m) I was pooped! The day had been filled with business relating to TAKS, end of the year "5th grade stuff", rowdy kids, kids who had the "I don't care" problem, and after school meetings, not to mention this NASTY wind! This is sure a day that some chocolate would have come in handy. But, being that I'm not eating sugar, I stuck with pecans and raisins and just imagined! I quickly ran in, went straight to the restroom, changed clothes, put my hair up, and settled in to my computer to see what had occurred in the world outside of education today.
I was most shocked to find that I was a winner on a blog giveaway! I was so pumped! I discovered Mimi and Reese just last week and entered their give-away. They have the cutest shop with the cutest things! Girly...I'll say! Right up mine and Clarissa's alley! Don't take my word for it though! Visit them at mimiandreese.blogspot.com and you can see all of their cool stuff!
Isn't God amazing! Just when you need a little "Pick me up", there it is! It comes out of nowhere! How blessed I am today! Thanks Mimi and Reese for a GREAT end to an otherwise very long Monday! Have a great week!
Posted by Gayla at 7:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Back in the Swing for Spring
Posted by Gayla at 9:59 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Baby....I'm Missing You
On Monday of this week, my sister, Sal and I embarked on a life change. To be quite honest, I thought for a moment it was a life changing EVENT! We are all trying to live a healthier lifestyle but also, and right now ABOVE all, lose weight!! I have been very hesitant to post this because it is a commitment but I realized I had to..,.,.I need the accountability. We have completely gone off of flour, sugar, and starch. Of the three, sugar was the hardest thing for me to part with. However, day three into it....I'm not missing it as much as I thought I would by this point. So, pray for me and my diet buddies and forgive me when I am a little bit snippy......I'm probably just missing a dear SWEET friend! OH, and yes, I'll keep you posted on the number of pounds lost but NO, I won't let you know how far I have to go. You can simply look at me and know.....we've got a long way to go baby!
Posted by Gayla at 10:09 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
A cup of Coffee and a Toast to my Parents
1. They met in Pampa at a drive-in called the Windmill. My Mom had gone there with friends after church and my Dad was eating in the car next to her.
2. They married in Pampa, TX.
3. They had a very simple wedding.
4. During their marriage, they have had 3 children.
5. For several years, they lived on a farm in Pampa. These were rough times. Money was tight and they had three children to care for. At one point, they had a child in college, high school, and elementary.
6. One time during a blizzard on the farm, my Dad and Mom were out breaking water and my Dad thought he was going to go across some rough road. He told my Mom to hang on and the next thing they knew, he had thrown her through the windshield. (He hit a bank instead!)
7. There were times during my childhood that I thought they'd never be married 57 years.
8. After leaving the farm, my Dad became quite successful in the oilfield.
9. My Mom was my Dad's secretary for many years.
10. My Mom got up and quit one day and Daddy told her she couldn't, she walked out anyway.
11. She went back to work as my Dad's secretary after a few days.
12. They love to listen to old gospel music.
13. They love animals.
14. They had a dog named Shorty that died a year or so ago. They made a memory book for him and had him buried (headstone, casket, and all!)
15. Unfortanely, I have seen and heard them argue like none other!
16. Fortunately, I have seen them love each other like none other!
17. They would be lost without the other.
18. I watched them grieve the loss of my brother 10 years ago. I didn't think they'd make it through and I believe the only way they did make it through was God and each other.
19. They have the utmost respect for my sister and the business that she has built. They brag on her all the time. ( I'm pretty fond of her too)
20. They LOVE their grandchildren and great-grandchildren (11 in all).
21. At Christmas, they always make homemade candy together.
22. At Christmas, they always have gifts for any "extra" people that might come in.
23. My Mom has cooked 3 meals a day for MOST of these 57 years.
24. They don't have a dishwasher and don't want one. (this is something I CAN'T understand)
25. The table is fully set for every meal. Buffet style is out of the question and so are paper plates!
26. My Mom makes the best pies and my Dad loves to eat them.
27. Shoot, my Mom is the best cook I know!
28. They are very giving people.
29. They are very old-fashioned in their thoughts.
30. Even though they don't really have to, they like to live the simple life.
31l They would help their kids through anything. (we might get a tongue lashing, but they'd still help us!.
32. They have a set day for laundry and it is usually all done by 10:00 in the morning.
33. My Dad has supported my Mom through Breast Cancer.
34. My Mom has supported my Dad through heart problems.
35. They met my daughter's birthmom.
36. They watched me march during many half-time shows in high school.
37. The still have their original microwave.
38. They are caretakers to some stray cats.
39. My Mom makes hamburger patties to feed the stray cats. (is it any wonder they're not strays anymore?)
40. They really are each others best friend.
41. They "expect" to hear from every child and grandchild on birthdays and anniversaries.
42. They make me laugh.
43. They laugh at me, I'm sure of it!
44. They used to own race horses.
45. They love Taco Bell tacos.
46. They can barely eat 2 Taco Bell tacos.
47. On their wedding night, they went to eat shrimp and have eaten shrimp on every anniversary since then.
48. They have supported me through some very dark times in my life.
49. They have cheered me on during some very bright times in my life.
50. They love me (I know I've already said that but I believe they love me alot!)
51. They worry about each other.
52. They go to church most Sundays.
53. They love to go back for "5th Sunday Singing".
54. They love to tell us stories of "back then".
55. They love to watch "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
56. I think they're two of the smartest people I know ( and yes, there was a time in my life that I didn't think this)
and finally.....
57. I love them so very, very much!

Well, there you have it. A long list of things that may matter nothing to you but are the mere essence of who my parents are and have been together for 57 years. You don't find marriages that have sustained that long, too often these days. It hasn't always been pleasant, but it has always been. Happy Friday friends! Thanks for letting me share about two wonderful people in my life!
Posted by Gayla at 1:21 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wordless Wednesday.....Can you guess what we did this morning???? LOVE Spring Break!
Posted by Gayla at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Recently, I have witnessed many people who have become unforgiving and way too judgmental. I, myself, have fallen into these two categories on more than one occasion. It isn't anything I'm proud of and struggle with it on a daily basis. Sal and I are doing the "Fireproofing your Marriage" bible study with our Sunday School class and it has gotten me to thinking. There are so many areas in my life that need Fireproofing and one of those is my relationship with others. Is there someone in your life that you need to forgive? Have you been judgemental? I think at one time or another, we can all say yes. This morning I looked up some scripture that I would like to share. I pray that they will help you fireproof your relationships with others.
Mark 11:25 - And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
Matthew 5:24 - Leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.
Colossians 3:13 - Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Leviticus 19:17-18 - Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
Ephesians 4:31-32 - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Psalm 19:14 - May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Matthew 12:36 - But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
James 4:11 - Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.
Some of these made me say OUCH! But then again, that's why I need to Fireproof so I don't get burned! Happy St. Patricks Day!
Posted by Gayla at 12:00 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Blessings in Disguise
Our Spring Break started Friday, at 3:01. I thought it would never arrive! We had planned on heading to Ruidoso for a long weekend but on Wednesday, our plans very unexpectedly fell through. When we broke the news to the kids, they took it like troopers (actually better than we did!) and they suggested we head to Nana and Papaw's house. So....Friday evening we braved the weather (rain, snow, and sleet) and went to Nana and Papaw's.
My Dad will be 80 years old very soon and my Mom is 76. It seems that their social calendars are filled with doctor's appointments, the post office, and the grocery store. We arrived very late Friday night, stopped by for a brief visit and headed to the hotel. The kids wanted to take our Wii so that their Papaw could box (he was a Golden Gloves champion MANY years ago). So...Saturday morning the kids taught Papaw to box. Oh my goodness....I can't tell you when I laughed that hard. My Mom had to finally leave the room because she was laughing so hard. Daddy took his three round boxing match very seriously and I'm glad to say he was victorious (I actually think it would have made him mad if he would have lost!). He watched Clarissa and I play a few rounds of Wii Tennis and then he joined in with the kids on a game of Wii golf. After lunch, I pulled out my laptop to show them some pictures that I had on the computer. Understand that my parents know NOTHING about the computer. Someone nearby had wireless and so I joined in with them and connected to the internet. My Mom and Dad began to watch and before long, they were like kids in a candy store! We sat and surfed for about 4 hours!!! They had me looking up everything and even got a little introduction to Facebook. That evening, they joined us at the hotel to watch the kids swim. Sal and Daddy played a few games of pool and then Daddy tried his hand against Jonathon in ping pong. Mom and I enjoyed our long talks in between the laughs. Today we hung out at their house again, looking at some old pictures and talking. (I do have lots of fun pictures, I'll try and get them posted later!)
I don't know when I've laughed as hard as I did! I am so glad that my kids got to see their Papaw box and that they will always have that memory. I'm glad that boys never change and that Sal swears he let Daddy win both games of pool and that Jonathon and Clarissa can laugh about how many times they had to retrieve the ping pong ball out of the pool! Life is so short and I've realized that even more since my father-in-laws passing. Yes, Ruidoso would have been nice but I thank God for the blessing of this weekend.
Enjoy the rest of Spring break....I know we're going too!!!
Posted by Gayla at 12:51 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
UPDATE on Birthdays, Boogers, and Breakdowns
Sal returned home with a beautiful birthday cake, Clarissa and Jonathon presented me with a really cool purse (everyone knows how I love purses), they sang to me, were kind enough to only put one candle on the cake, and took me to Texas Land and Cattle for my birthday dinner. I hear that I'm supposed to pick out a new phone as well. OH, and the truck....My darling brother-in-law fixed it and we're rolling again! Have a great week everyone! FIVE DAYS UNTIL........SPRING BREAK.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Gayla at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Birthdays, Boogers, and Breakdowns
Well, I promised I would blog soon and what better time to start than today...my 43rd birthday!! How blessed I have been. God has blessed me with a husband that is amazing, 2 beautiful children who are my world, parents that support me, a sister who loves me and makes me laugh, and friends that are the best in the world and make my life complete. It's funny how, back in the day, you looked forward to birthdays and the celebration. Now, it's kind of a day of reflection for me, of gratefulness. I have many fond birthday memories. There are the ones of when I was younger where my Mom would put together a fun gathering for my friends and I. My sister would usually make my cakes and they were phenomenal. I remember Holly Hobby, Pink Panther, Mickey Mouse. As I grew older and went to college, my Mom continued to have small celebrations but I was more interested in celebrating with friends. I would have to say I remember most....my 20th birthday. Without many details, it was an evening spent with some very dear, close friends who were a "little" rebellious and the effects lasted several days. After Sal and I got married, Sal seemed to inherit the role of planning the "birthday" day. He has many times surprised me with unique gifts, beautiful cakes and chocolate covered strawberries (my fav), and breakfast in bed. As I said earlier, I don't necessarily expect a day of celebration in fact, many more of these little birthdays and I"ll be wanting to FORGET them (that is if I can even remember them in the first place!). Today has been a bit "out of the ordinary". I have been plagued with a nasty head cold to start of year 43! I awoke this morning with both eyes matted shut, coughing, and struggling to breath because of the amount of SNOT in my nose. Sal was not home because he was out running some errands. I maneuvered my way to the kitchen for a cold drink of Diet Dr. Pepper (breakfast of champions) and my sweet Clarissa came in and told me Happy Birthday. Sal returned soon with a breakfast burrito that I could barely taste and had difficulty eating because I'd have to alternate bites and nose wiping. Sal needed me to follow him to the airport to leave his car for his boss who is coming into town today. Mind you....I had not been up for long! Thinking we'd make a quick trip, I threw on some clothes without putting on the Basic Required Accessory, found some easy slip on shoes, pulled my hair up in a ponytail (ab0ut 2" long), and out the door I went (remember...no makeup). My famous last words were, "I'd hate to get stranded somewhere looking like this!". So we drop off the car, make a few "unexpected stops", go to the cemetery because Sal wanted to see his Dad's headstone, and then Sal decided he needed to stop at Academy. NOTE - THIS IS WHERE THE STORY TAKES A REALLY BAD TURN!!!!
While waiting in the parking lot for Sal to finish shopping, my truck starts making the WORST sound I have ever heard a vehicle make! I quickly turned it off and when I tried to restart it, the sound was even worse! Great, I'm stuck here, looking like this, feeling like this and my truck won't work! After Sal returns, he decides to call his brother to come help us and I decided that this was more fun than I bargained for and called my wonderful friend to come pick me up and and take me home. (there are only a few people that I'd let see me looking like a hot mess!) I failed to mention, Clarissa had made the journey with us and she had just thrown on some clothes, no shoes, and I don't believe she visited a brush this morning! While waiting on our ride, I realized that I really needed to find a restroom but OH, I can't go in the store because I look like THIS!!! So, I will hold it! (Let's hope I don't have to sneeze too much because then holding it may no longer be an option!) Finally, my brother-in-law arrives and the guys make their observations and my brother-in-law assures me it sounds worse than it is. (easy for him to say) He tries to cheer me up and is quite the clown and so he thought this entire ordeal was pretty funny, especially when my dear daughter announced to him that I didn't have the Basic Requied Acccessory!!!! My faithful friend showed and brought me home and the first thing I did was take a shower! I have no idea where my husband or my truck are at this time but I do know that my birthday lunch is going to consist of delivery pizza! Needless to say, my husband was the LAST one to tell me Happy Birthday this morning, there was no breakfast in bead, my unique gift has consisted of car parts, and I have not seen a birthday cake or strawberries. BUT, I'm still blessed - a bit frustrated today - but blessed.
So, for the past 2 months I've not felt I had too much to blog about. If today is any indication, I believe I'm back in the saddle and will have lots of things to share!
Posted by Gayla at 10:05 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Yes, I have been away for awhile. No, I haven't decided to stop blogging. Yes, I hear your words when you ask me when I'm going to blog again. No, I'm not blogging in full today. Yes, I will blog very soon.
Posted by Gayla at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Where will you be?
Tomorrow is a great day in American History. How many of our ancestors never would have dreamed that an African-American would become president of the United States. Where will you be? What will you be doing? Whatever it is, I hope that you will take time to pray for President-Elect Obama. Whether you voted for him or not......we are commanded to pray. God Bless America!
Pray for rulers and for all who have authority so that we can have quiet and peaceful lives full of worship and respect for God.
1 Timothy 2:2
Posted by Gayla at 10:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Where to begin????
I honestly don't know where to begin this post. It has only been 7 days since my last post but so much has occurred. Many people have flippantly made the comment - "Did you have a good New Year?" ..... I want so bad to say, uh....NO!
Early in the morning hours of January 1, we received a phone call that has completely changed our lives and put many things into prospective. My father-in-law was very ill, consumed with cancer, and was dying. Sal and I spent the next 44 hours at the hospital with family watching one of the strongest men I know, pass away. If I never have to do that again, it will be too soon.
My father-in-law passed away around 2:37 Saturday morning, January 3, 2 hours and 37 minutes into my husband's 46th birthday. We had his funeral yesterday and at times it is still so hard for me to imagine that this has all happened. My heart is breaking because my husband has lost his Dad, a man he loved dearly and my mother-in-law, his wife of 53 years, is now alone. I am one of those people who is a "fixer" and I can't fix this and that is hard.
At the funeral, they asked the kids, what they had learned from the Dad. They mentioned "how to live", "how to love", and "how to laugh". He did teach his kids and those of us brought into the family how to do those things. However, one of the things I was thinking about that I wouldn't mention for fear of really losing it, was that he taught his sons how to be men and how to take care of their families. I am so thankful for my husband and what he does to take care of us. I see him look at his Mom and his desire to take care of her and I know that he too, is teaching our children this same legacy.
So the first 7 days of 2009 has brought sadness and many tears. It has brought to mind these lyrics by Casting Crown - "I'll praise You in the storm, and I will lift my hands for You are who You are no matter where I am, every tear I've cried, You hold in Your hand. You never left my side and though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm." As hard as this past week has been, I will continue to lift my eyes to the hills because I know where the help comes from. Please keep our family in your prayers.
"Cele" , I'm going to miss you. May you rest in peace.
Posted by Gayla at 7:17 PM 2 comments